Last updated 07.05.2004
PEssimistic, STrict, and Optimistic
The PESTO project resulted in a M.Sc. thesis with the title:
''A Mobility-Transparent Model for Consistency''
Not all those who wander are lost;
-- J.R.R.Tolkien (Lord of the Rings)
Project Description

This M.Sc. project is part of the
AMIGOS project
and aims at developing a distributed files system (file server and
C runtime library) to investigate a new model for consistency as well as transactions
for mobile-computing.
Existing distributed file systems employs different strategies for maintaining
consistency between replicad files: either pessimistic, strict or
optimistic replica control. In this report I will investigate a proposed
in Mobile Computing), model for consistency for
mobile-computing that caters for use of and transisition between all
three strategies.
The Thesis
The thesis was completed on December 2., 1996. It is available for download
as DIKU report no. 96-3-7 in gzip'ed postscript format
diku96-3-7.ps.gz with figures from Chapter 5 and flow diagrams from appendices
C and D available in tar'ed and gzip'ed Word 6.0 format
Now available in
PDF-format: pesto.pdf
- and -
HTML-format: pesto

The Defence
The master defence took place at DIKU on January 6, 1997.
An article, available on-line A Model for Multi-Level Consistency, in gzip'ed postscript format o12.ps.gz or in PDF-format: artikel.pdf, describing the basic model was presented at the OOPSLA'96: Workshop on Object Replication and Mobile Computing (ORMC'96).
The article was part of the Advanced Internet Protocol Collected Course Readings at Copenhagen Business School (AIP'97 - Collected Course Readings or AIP'99 - Tentative Literature for Advanced Internet Protocols).
The article and the master thesis are in Aline BAGGIO's Bibliography on Mobile Computing and referenced in her PhD thesis "Adaptable and Mobile-Aware Distributed Objects" - part of the The Cadmium Project.
M.Sc. Student
Michael Garfield Sørensen
If you think, this looks a lot like

TACO, Transparent Communication
then I can assure you, that it is no coincidence.
And special thanks go to
Birger Andersen
Thank You, Guys!
DistLab Links
Official PeStO Homepage (hasn't been updated recently)