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Transaction Primitives

The suggested transaction interface is:

Since these have not been implemented I will not use a lot of space on discussing their use. Instead I will give a few notes and give an example of how I imagine them used:

Table 5.8: Transaction status values
Status Meaning
NOTBEGUN Unable to start; begin_transaction failed?
RUNNING_ON_CLIENT Transaction is executing on the client
ABORTED Explicitly aborted using abort_transaction
ABORTED_ON_CLIENT Attempt to commit on client side failed
COMMITED_ON_CLIENT All transactional statements succeeded on client
RUNNING_ON_SERVER Transaction is attempting commit on the server
ABORTED_ON_SERVER Attempt to commit on server failed
COMMITED_ON_SERVER All transactional statements succeeded

Whether a successful implementation based on these ideas is possible or not, only the future can tell. I rest my case.

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